Saturday, November 20, 2004

Caminos Terrible, Desiertos Crueles

컴퓨터 음악을 가르치는 Russell Pinkston이 매 학기마다 기획하고 감독하는 EARS (Electro-Acoustic Recital Series) Concert.. 컴퓨터 음악 수업을 듣는 학생들은 모두 콘서트에 관람해달라는 교수의 강력한 권유에 혼자서는 엄두내기 힘든 좋은 문화 생활도 해보고,,, 좋았다 :) 기괴한 현대 전자 음악 레파토리 중에도 눈과 귀를 즐겁게 하는 작품은 있었다.
다음은 팜플렛에서 그대로 퍼온 Caminos Terrible, Desiertos Crueles 에 대한 소개글..
Caminos Terrible, Desiertos Crueles (Wicked Paths, Cruel Deserts) is a media work for mezzo-soprano, Yamaha Disklavier, computer-generated sound and computer animation created in collaboration with media artist Ying Tan. The work emerged from personal contemplations about what it means to cross borders and to arrive in new lands. The texts, based on poems by the Spanish writer Gustavo Becquer, describe the dangers and treacherousness awaiting those that penetrate or challenge the border's authority. The tranlations of the text for parts two, trhee and four are provided below.

My like if a barren land:
at my touch the flower drops its petals;
for on my ill-fated path
someone has planted evil
for me to harvest

Like a swarm of angry bees
from a dark recess in my memory
visions of past hours
emerge to haunt me
I want to drive them away. Useless effort!
They surround me, they pursue me.
and one after another they come to drive into me
that sharp stinger that inflames the soul

First the dawn comes, tremulous and vague,
a ray of restless light that slices the sea;
then it sparkles and grows and extends
into a firey burst of splendor.
The brilliant light is joy itself,
the trembling shadow, sorrow:
Oh! in the dark night of my soul,
when will it ever dawn?

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